Hello Creative Talented Designers!
Second Life Events: Thank you for considering me to blog your event, If you would like me to review your items or send me an invite to your store/an event you're hosting I will be happy to do so, if your item/s are to blogged for an event I would prefer to have it a week in advance if it is possible,
Second Life content featured on this blog: I am always open to new items but not all of it will fit my style, so please do not be offended if I didn’t blog something you sent me. I reserve the right to not post/blog items that I would not buy for my personal use.
Any items marked with a * have been sent to me for reviewing purposes, this includes items I received at events/ purchased through store credit/ vouchers that were gifted to me. All opinions are my own and I will never agree to do a dishonest review.
I will accept blogging items of ANY kind. This includes but is not limited to- Hairs, Skins, Eyes, Poses, Accessories, Clothing, Shoes, and Furniture. I cannot blog for male or furry items. I am less likely to blog items that are extremely revealing, but I may consider it if the quality is exceptional.
Send me your items in a folder named "Pinkangel Indigo - review copy" Include your store landmark and/or marketplace link (if no in-world store) with a notecard containing your username, a little about yourself/your products what kind of items you create, if you want me to say anything specific about the item / s, and drop it in my inventory and if you happen to have freebie / dollarbie and promotions in store, please include that as well.
Second Life Locations: If you have a location that you would like me to visit/blog about then please do get in touch either email or in world with a notecard and the SLurl with your details and any information that's needed. Please also let me know if photography and machinima are allowed on the sim, thank you.
For anything related to review copies, or any questions do not hesitate to contact me by Email pinkangelindigo@gmail.com or send me a Notecard in Second Life to Pinkangel Indigo
Thank you!
This policy is valid from 14 March 2018
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact pinkangelindigo@gmail.com.
This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do accept and keep free products, services, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations.
The owner(s) of this blog will never receive compensation in any way from this blog.
The owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the creator or provider.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org
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Charmed and dangerous.
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