Hello Friends
Summer is winding down, and the weather is cooler, time to pick up all the great deals at the Cart wash event. If you have a friend who loves to budget shop, call them up to come with you to enjoy all the cart wash has to offer. The cart wash sale has something for everyone don’t disappoint yourself, make sure you grab these deals before the Sept 5th 2018 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Wash/70/38/23
Hair: DOUX - Sorcha hairstyle
Head: Catwa Head Magy
Body: Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body V4.1 hands and feet
Shape: my own.
Exclusive for the Annual Cart Sale @ The Wash Aug 22nd to Sept 5th 2018
*C.S:. Outfit MALUX with Tiptoe pumps. Mainstore LM
*Booty's Beauty Catwa Makeup ~ Bootify 2 Hud
Besom Lashes~ Sweetheart Lash (Catwa)
*Candy Crunchers - Sakura Nails w/ HUD - Maitreya Bento
*Candy Crunchers - Love/Hate - Maitreya Rings w/HUD
*Lyndy in Chains Fitted Belly Chain Sun Moon Stars
Maxi Gossamer - Necklace - Savannah Heart key - The Complete Collection
Pose and Location:
*HG. Hello Fall. at The Avenue event.
Sale on now! the sale is 50% off of Fatpacks and Shapes, main store only!
Please don't forget to follow my blog.
Thanks for stopping by.
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