Sunday, 10 February 2019

Timelessly Chic.

Hiya friends

The UP Event is up and running so if you are looking for a new look or have a party to go to then check out the fabulous designers at this event ends February 15th!


Hair: DOUX - Raven Hairstyle Ponytail 
Head: Catwa Head Magy 
Body: Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body V4.1 hands and feet 
Shape: my own.

Exclusive for the UP Event 1st to the 15th Feb 
*Styllus Store  Outfit Valeska 

*Booty's Beauty Catwa Makeup ~ Bootify 2 Hud 
elise   Diana  - MAITREYA BENTO Rings 
Veechi - Fierce Blush
MICHAN - Joelle Lashes 
elise - Esther - MAITREYA BENTO Rings 
Petit Chat. Themis armlet 
Aurealis Jewellery. Haro Earrings 

Pose and Location:
*HG. Bonnie 

Please don't forget to follow my blog. 
Have a nice day!

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